• A unique drug discovery platform combining phage display with small biological agents called nanobodies

  • Extensive experience in animal models of cancer, especially cancer immunotherapy

  • Strong and collaborative environment at UAB with a focus on translation, with help from global collaborators to provide a wide-breadth of expertise.

Data-Driven Analysis

The Larimer Lab is focused on creating and developing new biological molecules to characterize and treat cancer. Using a blend of phage display, cancer immunology and molecular imaging, we strive to create tools that will get the right therapy to the right person at the right time. We are focused on clinically translatable solutions, and are currently testing agents developed in our lab at UAB through partnerships with world-class investigators both in Birmingham and world-wide.

Meet Benjamin Larimer, PH.D.

Benjamin Larimer Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Missouri, where he utilized phage display to develop novel cancer-targeted peptides for molecular imaging. He then performed his post-doctoral studies at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Harvard Medical School, developing targeted PET imaging agents for characterizing response to cancer immunotherapy. While there, he developed a peptide-based imaging agent for granzyme B, which has been shown to be predictive of immunotherapy response in mouse models and is currently being translated for first-in-human studies at UAB.

Curriculum Vitae




 We are seeking graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with intense curiosity and a strong sense of self-motivation. We offer the ability to develop valuable and uncommon skill sets including phage display, radiochemistry and small animal imaging.

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